Access to Medical Imaging Equipment in the Piedmont Region: A Proof of Concept

Il paper analizza le apparecchiature di imaging medico nella regione Piemonte con un approccio che considera la distribuzione territoriale e l’utilizzo effettivo delle stesse.

Abstract: To strengthen management capability of Medical Imaging Equipment (MIE) in the Piedmont region, an approach is proposed which considers MIE distribution across regional sub areas together with their actual use (including utilisation rate, travel distance and waiting times). A number of regional information sources are used consisting of the health technology platform FITeB, the Health Registry and geo-spatial data. First, an overview of the spatial coverage of MIE in the regional local areas (provinces) is presented. Then, patient flows using MIE are examined and travel/time distance to access MIE discussed. The analysis makes reference to a period of time (2013-2017) in which, in order to improve the sustainability of the regional health system, a re-organisation of heath service delivery took place. Results of this study provide some evidence of the change which occurred in the access to MIE medical examinations.

Qui il paper a cura di IRES Piemonte presentato alla 5th International Conference of the CIST "Population, Time, Territories" dal titolo: Access to Medical Imaging Equipment in the Piedmont Region: A Proof of Concept


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